The Presentation

The Polyvagal Theory & The Feldenkrais Method

Presence, Observation & Attunement

  • How do we find safety and connection with ourselves and with others
  • Why don’t some clients get better?
  • Early developmental trauma and it’s effect on the Autonomic Nervous System

[email protected]: yes
Fariya Doctor, Feldenkrais In Niagara: Thank you Edward! This information is so important
Liz Albright: yes! I become the ground!
Jane Johnston: Waking the Tiger - Levine
Jane Johnston: The Body keeps the Score, Safe and Sound protocol,
Margo Hennebach: Irene who?
Jane Johnston: Irene Lyons - Poly Vagel on You tube
Jane Johnston: We will send out a list after the workshop to those signed up
Jane Johnston: Stephen Levine
Heidi Menocal: thank you jane
Jane Johnston: Reciprosity
Fariya Doctor, Feldenkrais In Niagara: James Nestor - “Breath”
Liz Albright: freeze response
Anina Van Alstine Santa Cruz: I just taught a class in expressive arts.. first time in a studio with humans in a space. I started very slowly.. notice your feet on the ground… knees bent, etc .. I asked people to close their eyes and sense their feet, their breath, etc. . Many people had a hard time closing their eyes… so I had them touch their own faces and release their jaws.. it was amazing how much holding there was!!!I think we are all traumatized from the pandemic and need to” calm down”...
Liz Albright: nice Anina!
Marianne K.: Irene Lyons with an S
[email protected]: If they came to see you, they knew they “ were not fine”….
[email protected]: Peter Levine-Somatic Experiencing
[email protected]: Focusing- Gene Gendlin
Michaela Kreim: Thank you, Jessica, for the question
nancynorwood: During depression, ATM was just one more person telling me what to do. Escape was often to fall asleep, though I wanted to run away.
Liz Albright: a good resource for understanding trauma informed care
Liz Albright:
[email protected]: Body keeps the score-Bessel van Der kolk
[email protected]:
Margo Hennebach: For grounding, my go-to is a balance board.
Liz Albright: Grounding the Bones for Life Way heal bounces!
Liz Albright: Trauma informed care is empowering the client to be their own expert
Margo Hennebach: Yes!
Liz Albright: the epigenetics of trauma!
Beth Rubenstein: Drug exposed babies, especially when they become adults
Heidi Menocal: Thank you this was very helpful
Liz Albright: Thank you Edward! Wonderful discussion!
[email protected]: very
Margo Hennebach: Yes, thank you, Edward!
Beth Rubenstein: Lovely Edward. Thank you
pambeets: Ed and Jane than you very much. The information was very interesting and thoughtful. I keep thinking of my work with Feldenkrais and Tellington Touch and how this applies.
Jessica Z.: Thank you so much for a wonderful talk, Edward!😊
Jessica Z.: Thank you Feldy Fellows for all your great contributions. 😊
Susan Goldfischer: Thank you for addressing the elephant in the room. This was amazingly helpful.
Marianne K.: THANK You for this session and all the information!
Susan Goldfischer: Trauma can in intergenerational. Epigenetics.
[email protected]: I tried to go there it says it isn’t available!!!
Claudia C: Thank you Jane!!!
Beth Rubenstein: Thank you Jane
Carol Hinderlie: Thank you!
Heidi McGovern: Thanks Ed, Jane and the zoom chat
Claudia C: Thank you Ed!!!
[email protected]: Zoom= the gift of COVID…. yikes
nancynorwood: Thank you Ed and Jane.
[email protected]: Thank you ~

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